Dr. Isma is currently holds the position as Chief Information Security Officer at Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. He has over 23 years of experience in the field of cybersecurity, information technology, risk management, business continuity, transformation management, performance management and projects gained from the industrial, government and financial institution. He holds a Doctor of Business Administration from Swiss School of Management, Rome, Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the National University of Malaysia and a Bachelor’s Degree in Computing from Oxford Brookes University, UK. He also holds certification as a Certified Chief Information Security Officer (C|CISO), Certified Information Security Awareness Manager (CISAM), Certified KPI Professional and CyberSAFE Ambassador. Dr. Isma is the key personnel in Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad that handle the strategic and operational matters when it comes to technology and cybebrr risk. He is also the key person that lead Cybersecurity Strategic Plan that he has established in the bank to increase cybersecurity posture of the organisation. A part of that, the bank refers to him when it comes to regulatory matters such as Risk Management in Technology from Bank Negara Malaysia, Personal Data and Protection Act as well as other relevant law related to Information Security.